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Bem Vindos à Open Concept.

Sua Agência de Marketing Digital.

Transformamos sua presença online com estratégias personalizadas, automação de marketing e otimização em redes sociais. Nossa missão é potencializar seu negócio, conectando você ao seu público-alvo e gerando resultados concretos e duradouros.

Construa sua presença On-line.

Somos apaixonados por transformar marcas em histórias de sucesso. Conectamos você ao seu público de maneira autêntica e envolvente, criando uma presença online que reflete seus valores. Vamos juntos construir uma jornada digital que gere resultados duradouros!

Elementor and WPBakery

Seu Negócio
Nossa estratégia.

Transformamos sua visão em resultados concretos! Com estratégias personalizadas de SEO, marketing digital e automação, impulsionamos seu negócio, maximizando sua presença online. Nosso foco é simples: seu crescimento e sucesso, sempre.

Construimos sua Landing Page e seu Websites.

Nossos sites não são apenas bonitos; eles funcionam. Desde a otimização de velocidade até a escolha estratégica de palavras-chave, cada detalhe é pensado para aumentar sua visibilidade online e atrair mais clientes. Um site eficiente faz toda a diferenças.

Design Library
Build Everything

Leve Seu Negócio à Primeira Página do Google.

Quer ser encontrado pelos seus clientes? Com estratégias avançadas de SEO, colocamos seu site nas primeiras posições do Google. Aumente sua visibilidade, atraia tráfego qualificado e supere a concorrência com técnicas comprovadas de otimização.

Impulsione Seu Negócio no Facebook e Instagram.

Amplie seu alcance e conecte-se diretamente com seu público! Otimizamos sua presença no Facebook e Instagram para gerar mais engajamento, seguidores e vendas. Transforme suas redes sociais em poderosas ferramentas de marketing e crescimento para sua marca.

High Performance
TheGem Blocks

Seu Negócio no Google Maps e Google Empresas.

Coloque sua empresa no radar dos clientes locais! Com otimização para Google Maps e Google Empresas, aumente sua visibilidade e credibilidade online. Seja facilmente encontrado e gere mais visitas, ligações e vendas com presença local otimizada.

Automação de Marketing:
Mais Eficiência, Mais Resultados.

Aumente suas vendas sem esforço manual. Com nossas soluções de automação, nutrimos leads, personalizamos comunicações e aceleramos seu funil de vendas. Transforme visitantes em clientes leais com campanhas automáticas e inteligentes, otimizadas para resultados.

Premium Support
Maximize Sua Presença Online
com SEO Eficaz.

Com técnicas de SEO de ponta, criamos estratégias que não apenas encantam seus visitantes, mas também conquistam os algoritmos dos motores de busca do Google e Bing. Aumente seu tráfego orgânico e melhore sua conversão com nossas soluções personalizadas e inteligentes.

Happy Customers
The Swiss Army Knife Of

WordPress Themes

TheGem is an ultimate multipurpose toolbox. With features like templates builder, endless customization options and massive collection of content elements TheGem has got you covered in any website project.
Custom-tailored headers & footers
Build every part of your website visually

Global sections & templates with dynamic content for any post type. Easily customize every part of your website, create unique:

Create Stunning Mega Menus With TheGem
Build engaging popups with TheGem

Built-in light-weighted & fast VueJS core app with intuitive GUI brings an absolutely new editing experience in making global website changes in WordPress.

TheGem is fully responsive.
It was designed with mobile-first approach.

It gives you the maximum control over every design setting for creating responsive layouts uniquely per each device viewport.

Dynamic Content For Personalized Experience
Create professional rich content websites with dynamic content without any coding required:
With additional settings & options for any imaginable customization scenarios.
Customize Everything!
Customize every part of your website. All colors, fonts, layouts, margins, paddings, positions and much more can be adjusted in few clicks. TheGem – the Swiss Army knife of website building tools – delivers you an ultimate toolbox of useful features for controlling every single pixel of your website. No coding required. No plugins required.
More Reasons To Love TheGem
Translation & RTL

Translation & RTL

TheGem has been certified by WPML – the leading multilingual WordPress plugin. It is 100% compatible with Polylang and Loco Translate. TheGem has been translated in 20+ language and includes .po & .mo files. Additionally, TheGem is 100% RTL ready.

SEO Friendly Markup

TheGem’s codebase follows best SEO practices. Proper use of headings & images. Clean code. Compatibility with Yoast and other SEO plugins. Google analytics integration. Search engines will love and good rank your website – guaranteed!

SEO Friendly Markup

Free Updates

for Life

Purchase once, get unlimited updates for life. TheGem is a future-proof modern WordPress WooCommerce theme, bringing new useful tools and stunning pre-built designs with each new update. By choosing TheGem you can be sure you purchase a solid growth-oriented product, ideal for any type of web project.

Free Updates for Life
TheGem Help Center
TheGem Help Center

Delivered with very detailed documentation and video tutorials, supported by the team of professionals – you will never feel alone, all your questions will get answered in the shortest time.

Privacy & GDPR

Privacy & GDPR

TheGem comes with built-in GDPR tool, allowing to include or exclude third-party content based on the user consent. Cookie bar, privacy preferences popup, fallback settings for excluded content/services – take full privacy control of your website.

One-Click Optimization

TheGem helps you to achieve better performance and amazing loading speed. It comes with the unique performance optimization feature: one-click optimization. Just click a button and enjoy incredible performance improvements!

One-Click Optimization
O que nossos Cliente falam sobre a gente !
4.9 stars based on 2K real

Customer Reviews

As a WordPress developer for over 10 years now, I highly recommend this WordPress theme. In addition to being well-built with detailed documentation, there are a number of ways this theme stands out against the rest. TheGem includes many time-saving features that cover some of today’s “essentials”. Highly recommended!
Review Dummy
Tarin Flores

The quality, ease of use and flexibility of this theme is second to none in my opinion. At this moment there is no other WordPress theme I would even consider using as it would be an inadequate alternative by comparison. If you purchase this theme you will definitely not be disappointed. I could not be more satisfied with this purchase.

Review Dummy
Luciana Marçola

I have put other as this WordPress WooCommerce theme just keeps knocking it out of the ballpark! So much flexibility that we now have 67 licenses of this theme! The best theme we ever used, and we tried many. Runs with zero issues and support is lightning-fast.

Review Dummy
Leticia Galera
Customers Showcase
Inspire and be inspired. Enjoy this beautiful examples of websites, made with TheGem by our valued customers. Discover the ultimate versatility of TheGem in the real world.
Frequently Asked Questions
  • TheGem Theme: Elementor and WPBakery versions
  • Access to all 400+ prebuilt demos as shown on preview website
  • TheGem Blocks: 600+ ready-made page sections
  • Bundled premium plugins
  • 6 months of exclusive premium support (can be extended)
  • Unlimited access to all future updates

No, absolutely not. TheGem is a lifetime purchase with lifetime updates and 6 months of premium support included.

Yes, all prebuilt demos and all TheGem features are available both for Elementor and WPBakery page builders. By purchasing TheGem you get access to two theme versions: TheGem for Elementor and TheGem for WPBakery. Both theme versions have the same set of features, tools, and demos – the only difference is the page builder you prefer to use.

Yes, sure! All demos, which you can see on TheGem’s preview website, and all future releases are included in a single purchase. You will get an access to the extensive design library of 400+ demos and 600+ ready-made page sections. All demos come with demo content included and can be imported with one click. Imported demos look exactly the same as seen on TheGem’s preview website.

Yes, you can adjust everything – colors, fonts, styles, positions, margins, paddings, and much more – directly in the page builder of your choice. You can combine different demos, you can insert TheGem Blocks (prebuilt page sections), modify layouts and quickly build your own unique design.

Each license includes lifetime updates. TheGem is constantly developed and updated. We always listen to our customers’ suggestions and continuously include them in TheGem’s updates. As a result, TheGem gets better every day.